
  • Gretchen Winter, Executive Director, Center for Professional Responsibility

    Gretchen Winter, "Professional Responsibility: The Next Big Thing," Greater Omaha Alliance for Business Ethics at Creighton University, September 10, 2008.

    Gretchen Winter, "Ten Lessons I Learned as an Ethics and Compliance Professional," Greater Omaha Business Ethics Alliance, September 10, 2008. Download PowerPoint>>

    Gretchen Winter, "Consider the Professional Responsibilities of Your Role," Chicagoland Stem Cell Science Education Symposium, February 22, 2008. Download PowerPoint>>

  • Integrated Reporting by Michael Krzus, Grant Thornton

    Integrated reporting is more than the newest "best practice" in corporate reporting which companies can choose to practice or not. Instead, it is a moral obligation of any corporation that truly wants to take an ethical stance towards all of its stakeholders, including investors and civil society. It is only through integrated reporting that a company can understand the relationships between financial and nonfinancial performance, both positive and negative, in order to make the right decisions for creating a sustainable strategy for a sustainable society. And it is through integrated reporting that a company makes a binding commitment to do so, provides evidence on its progress, enables all stakeholders to evaluate and challenge its performance and, through the Internet, facilitates dialogue and engagement with them. Michael Krzus from Grant Thornton presented on campus, and you can learn about the concept of integrated reporting and the current international efforts that are underway to create a common reporting standard that incorporates the measurement of sustainability efforts in the corporate world by downloading the podcast or viewing the speakers session. Watch Video>>

  • Governance Expert Addresses Students, Faculty

    Nell Minow, an Advisory Board member, spent a few hours in the new Business Instructional Facility on the University of Illinois campus sharing strategic insights on corporate governance. Her visit with the business students and faculty was sponsored by the Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society at the College of Business. Read the Article>>

  • The High Cost of Doing Business Right

    Jeffrey W. Jackson, senior vice president and general counsel for State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company spoke of his business experiences while at State Farm and gave his advice to College of Business attendees on Oct. 16, 2008. The lecture, titled "How to Survive in Business," was the 7th Alan M. Hallene Lecture and was co-sponsored by the Center. Read the Article>>

  • Solomon Addresses Treasury Department Advisory Committee

    Professor Ira Solomon, Accountancy Department Head and R. C. Evans Endowed Chair in Business, recently presented testimony before the Treasury Department Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession in Washington DC. View the press release for links to Solomon's written testimony and video of his oral testimony. Note particularly his comments on professional responsibility on pages 13-17 of his written testimony titled, "What is the quality of accountancy educational programs?"

  • "Reimagining Professional Responsibility Student Learning Activities for Our New Virtual World"

    Kathryn M. Rybka and Gretchen Winter, "Reimagining Professional Responsibility Student Learning Activities for Our New Virtual World" is a review of the reimagined Professional Responsibility Strategy Competition, held virtually (and successfully) in the fall of 2020 after much planning with the competition host—the Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society and corporate sponsor bp. Rybka and Winter reveal the considerations and detail the planning process and share student reactions.