Human Edge, Tech Advantage: A Strategic Approach to Utilizing AI in Your Career Development

While the career landscape is buzzing with the potential of AI, navigating it effectively requires a balanced approach. At the Office of Career and Professional Development, we believe in harnessing the power of AI to enhance your exploration and job search, but with a critical eye towards its limitations and ethical considerations. Don't expect a magic formula – AI tools can unlock valuable insights and hidden possibilities, but they can't replace your intuition and personal stories. Here, we'll equip you with the tools, resources, and guiding information to leverage AI ethically and strategically, ensuring your career journey is driven by informed choices and empowers you to reach your full potential. Remember, the future of your career is yours to design – we're simply here to provide the compass.

Career Exploration

Choosing a business major and carving your career path can be daunting.  AI can be a valuable source for generating job titles and career paths if you’re unsure where to start. But should it be your only source? Not at all. Once you’ve generated potential career paths or job roles, it’s best to utilize the resources offered in the Office of Career and Professional Development and on job boards like Handshake to understand job responsibilities, industries, and similar roles.  Below are some suggested prompts to utilize within your favorite AI platform to learn about career options.

Worried about how AI might impact your future career?  Scroll to the bottom of the page to learn more.

  • Major Exploration

    Prompt: "Can you provide insights into the key aspects of pursuing a major in finance?"

    Example response: AI can offer information about the curriculum, potential career paths in finance, and the skills required for success.

    Prompt: "Based on my interest in sustainability and technology, explore emerging business fields and corresponding career paths with high growth potential."

    Example response: AI delves into business opportunities, presenting you with example fields like sustainable finance, green technology management, or impact investing. You may discover new possibilities that pique your curiosity and align with your values.

    Prompt: "What are the typical career trajectories for someone with a marketing degree?"

    Example response: AI can provide an overview of various career paths in marketing, from digital marketing to brand management, and highlight the skills crucial for success in each.

    Prompt: "I have an interest in leading others, solving problems and making an impact? What are five career paths that match my interests?"

    Example response: AI can provide an overview of various career paths that align with your interests.

  • Comparing Business Specializations:

    Prompt: "Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities in business analytics and supply chain management."

    Example response: The AI can delineate the distinct responsibilities, skill sets, and industry demands for each specialization, aiding students in making informed decisions.

    Prompt: "Compare and contrast management consulting and advisory roles."

    Example response: AI can outline key similarities between the roles, differences and industry outlook.

  • Future Trends in Business:

    Prompt: "Can you provide insights into emerging trends in the field of entrepreneurship?"

    Example response: The AI can share information about current trends, such as the rise of social entrepreneurship or the impact of technology on startup ecosystems.

    Prompt: "ChatGPT, keep me informed about the latest trends in the business world, particularly within the marketing and management fields."

    Example response: Stay ahead of the curve with AI constantly scanning the industry landscape. Receive relevant articles, news, and job market data, ensuring you're well-equipped to make informed decisions about your future.

  • Skills Development for Business Careers:

    Prompt: "What are the essential skills for a successful career in human resources?"

    Example response: The AI can outline key skills such as interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, and HR analytics, helping students focus on skill development relevant to their chosen field.

    Prompt: "What are the technical skills needed for entry level roles in operations?"

    Example response: AI can outline key skills needed.

The Use of AI by Companies in the Recruitment Process

In the contemporary job market, employers are increasingly relying on AI technologies to streamline and enhance the recruitment process.

AI is utilized by employers in various stages of hiring, from candidate sourcing to final selection. AI-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS) assist in parsing resumes, identifying relevant keywords, and screening candidates based on predefined criteria.   Additionally, AI algorithms analyze candidate data from diverse sources, including social media profiles and professional networks, to assess suitability and cultural fit.   In some cases, AI-driven chatbots engage with applicants, providing initial screening and answering frequently asked questions, thus expediting the process for both recruiters and candidates.

Through these AI-driven mechanisms, employers can efficiently manage large volumes of applications, identify top talent, and make data-informed hiring decisions, ultimately optimizing the recruitment process for greater effectiveness and efficiency. However, ethical considerations such as bias mitigation and transparency in algorithmic decision-making remain crucial in ensuring fair and equitable recruitment practices.

How to Maximize AI for Your Internship and Job Search

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of modern job search and application processes. Tools like ChatGPT can assist students in crafting effective application materials such as cover letters and resumes. However, it's essential to recognize that while AI can aid you significantly, it should be seen as a complement rather than a replacement for your efforts. It’s important to use AI ethically and thoughtfully to ensure that your documents accurately represent your skills and experiences.

Advantages of Using AI in Job Search:

  • Efficiency: AI tools can help you save time by generating content quickly, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your job search.
  • Customization: AI can tailor your application materials to specific job descriptions and industries, increasing your chances of getting noticed.
  • Language Enhancement: AI can improve the language and grammar of your documents, ensuring they are polished and professional.
  • Skills Identification: AI can assist in identifying and highlighting relevant skills, especially those you might overlook.

Drawbacks of Using AI in Job Search:

  • Lack of Originality: Over-reliance on AI can result in generic application materials that fail to stand out. It lacks the personal touch that human-written materials can provide.

Example: "I am interested in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] because it seems like a good fit for me."

  • Jargon-Heavy: AI may overuse industry-specific jargon.

Example: "I have leveraged my robust synergy of cross-functional paradigms to maximize stakeholder value through strategic ideation and scalable innovation." This statement is overly jargon-heavy, making it hard for the reader to understand the candidate's actual qualifications.

  • Misrepresentation: AI-generated content may misrepresent your skills or experiences.

Original Skill: "Proficient in Python programming for data analysis and machine learning."

AI-Generated Version: "Expert in Python programming for data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence."

  • Mis-identification: AI-generated content may misunderstand the key skills and qualifications required for the job, leading to irrelevant content in the cover letter.

Example: "I am confident that my experience in underwater basket weaving makes me the ideal candidate for the position of Senior Software Engineer at your esteemed organization." In this case, the AI has mistakenly linked unrelated skills to the job, which would clearly be ineffective.

  • Excessive use of Keywords: Some AI systems may prioritize keyword optimization for applicant tracking systems (ATS) over readability, resulting in awkward, keyword-stuffed content.

Example: "I have extensive experience in customer service, customer support, customer satisfaction, and resolving customer issues, which makes me a great fit for this customer-focused role."

  • Ethical Concerns: Using AI to fabricate information or exaggerate qualifications is unethical and can have negative consequences.
  • Privacy Loss: When using AI tools, be sure to protect your privacy. Read the privacy policies of the tools you use and make sure you understand how your data will be used.


  • Use AI as a tool, not as a replacement, to ensure your application materials reflect your unique experiences and aspirations.
  • Your resume and cover letter are important examples of your written communication skills. While AI can provide suggestions and help with wording, it’s not a replacement for your own writing. Many employers rate communication as a top requirement for employment, be sure that you are honestly representing your written communication abilities in your documents.
  • Accuracy: Ensure that the information provided is true and accurate. Do not exaggerate or fabricate qualifications.
  • Personalization: Use AI as a tool to enhance your materials but inject your own personality and experiences.
  • Transparency: If you've used AI to assist in creating your documents, be transparent about it during interviews if asked.


Identify Relevant Skills

Use AI to assist in identifying key skills utilized in an industry or listed in a job description.

  • For Keyword Optimization of Your Resume: "What are the key skills mentioned in the job posting?"
  • Customization for Job Applications: "How can my experiences be aligned with the required skills?"
  • Industry Insights: "Give insights into current trends and keywords in the tech industry."

Editing a Resume

AI can help streamline the writing process and provide guidance, but the final resume should still be a genuine representation of your skills and qualifications.

  • Industry-Specific Language: "Help me incorporate industry-specific terminology for a resume in fintech."
  • Grammar and Proofreading: "Check my resume for any grammatical errors and suggest corrections."
  • Action Verb Usage: "Provide strong action verbs to enhance the impact of my responsibilities."

Editing a Cover Letter:

Use AI to review and tailor your cover letter, but make sure the writing represents your skills and experiences.

  • Grammar and Proofreading: "Check my cover letter for any grammatical errors and suggest corrections."
  • Addressing Key Job Requirements: "Help me tailor my cover letter to address the technologies mentioned in the job description for a data analyst role."

Interview Preparation:

AI can provide valuable assistance for preparing for interviews by offering insights, practicing mock interview scenarios, and providing feedback on your responses.  In addition to utilizing AI resources, we strongly recommending utilizing the Career and Professional Development resources such as mock interview appointments to provide personalized feedback to your interviewing skills.

  • Mock Interview Practice: "Simulate a mock interview for a marketing intern role, asking behavioral questions."
  • Behavioral Question Practice: “Provide a list of common behavioral interview questions for a project management position.”
  • Industry Trends and Insights: "Give me insights into current trends in the finance industry to help me answer questions in a finance job interview."
  • Questions for Interviewer: "Provide me with a list of insightful questions to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview for a consulting role."
  • Interview Techniques: “What is the STAR method for interviews, please share examples of it being utilized in an internship interview for a social media role.”
  • Technical Interview Practice: "Provide me with the top technical interview questions for a role in analytics."
  • Case Interview: "Provide frameworks for approaching a case interview question." "Can you describe the different frameworks utilized by the big 3 consulting firms"

Additional Resources and Articles

AI Impact on Your Career

The Future of Work

As current college students enter their careers, the impact of AI on various business roles will be substantial across business disciplines.   AI will automate routine and repetitive tasks, allowing professionals in these fields to focus on more strategic and value-added activities. For instance, in accounting and finance, AI can streamline transaction processing, automate reconciliations, and enhance fraud detection. In marketing, AI-powered tools can optimize advertising campaigns, personalize customer experiences, and analyze vast amounts of data to inform decision-making.

While certain repetitive tasks may be automated, new opportunities will emerge requiring skills as identified in the Gies Professional Pathway:

  • Critical thinking and problem-solving: Interpreting AI outputs, identifying areas where AI falls short, and developing creative solutions.
  • Teamwork and communication: Working effectively with teammates and explaining complex insights to non-technical audiences.
  • Integrity and Ethics: Identifying and addressing potential biases in AI algorithms and ensuring responsible AI implementation.

While AI automation might seem like a looming threat, it's important to remember that the human touch will always be irreplaceable in business. Future-proofing your career doesn't require fearing AI, but rather embracing the unique skills it can't replicate. Hone your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to navigate complex challenges beyond routine tasks. Cultivate strong communication and interpersonal skills to build meaningful relationships, negotiate effectively, and inspire teams. Don't underestimate the power of creativity and empathy in driving innovation and understanding customer needs. By focusing on these uniquely human strengths, you'll not only thrive alongside AI but potentially become the bridge that guides its ethical and effective implementation in the business world of tomorrow. Remember: AI is not meant to replace humans entirely, but rather to augment their capabilities and free them up for more strategic and creative tasks.

How AI may change specific job tasks across various roles:


  • Automation of data entry and bookkeeping: AI will handle routine tasks like invoice processing, transaction reconciliation, and financial statement generation, freeing up accountants for higher-level analysis and strategic financial planning.
  • Predictive analytics: AI can identify fraud risks, forecast future financial performance, and suggest optimal resource allocation strategies.
  • Personalized tax advice: AI-powered tools can analyze individual tax situations and recommend optimized filing strategies.


  • Targeted advertising and personalized campaigns: AI can analyze customer data to create highly targeted ads and personalized marketing campaigns across various channels.
  • Content creation and optimization: AI can generate marketing copy, personalize website content, and optimize landing pages for maximum conversions.
  • Social media engagement and influencer marketing: AI can help identify and engage with relevant influencers and manage social media interactions at scale.

Information Systems:

  • Network security and threat detection: AI can continuously monitor networks for anomalies and proactively identify and respond to cyber threats.
  • IT infrastructure management: AI can automate routine tasks like system provisioning, software patching, and performance optimization.
  • Helpdesk automation: AI-powered chatbots can answer user questions and resolve common issues, freeing up IT staff for more complex problems.


  • Market research and analysis: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify market trends, customer needs, and competitor insights, informing strategic recommendations.
  • Data-driven problem solving: AI can analyze internal data and industry trends to diagnose business problems and suggest data-backed solutions.
  • Personalized recommendations: AI can tailor consulting recommendations to specific client needs and contexts, considering various factors like industry, size, and goals.
  • Report generation and presentation: AI can automatically generate reports and presentations based on analyzed data, freeing up consultants for more strategic discussions.


  • Algorithmic trading: AI-driven algorithms can execute trades at high speeds and based on complex market analysis, surpassing human capabilities.
  • Risk management: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to assess and mitigate financial risks across investments, loans, and other financial instruments.
  • Personalized financial products: AI can tailor financial products like investment portfolios and insurance policies to individual customer needs and risk profiles.

Supply Chain:

  • Demand forecasting: AI can predict future demand patterns with high accuracy, optimizing inventory management and production planning.
  • Logistics and route optimization: AI can choose the most efficient routes for transportation, reducing costs and delivery times.
  • Predictive maintenance: AI can analyze equipment data to predict potential failures and schedule preventative maintenance, minimizing downtime and disruptions.


  • Data cleaning and preparation: AI can automate data cleaning and preparation tasks, accelerating the analysis process.
  • Advanced data analysis: AI can perform complex statistical analysis and identify hidden patterns and trends in massive datasets.
  • Storytelling and visualization: AI can generate data visualizations and explain complex findings in clear and concise language for non-technical audiences.

Operations Management:

  • Process optimization and automation: AI can analyze operational data to identify bottlenecks and suggest process improvements, automating repetitive tasks for efficiency.
  • Predictive maintenance: AI can predict equipment failures and schedule preventative maintenance, minimizing downtime and production disruptions.
  • Demand forecasting and inventory management: AI can forecast future demand with high accuracy, optimizing inventory levels and reducing costs.
  • Quality control and inspection: AI-powered vision systems can automate quality control checks, ensuring product consistency and reducing manual inspection needs.
  • Resource allocation and scheduling: AI can optimize resource allocation for tasks and schedules, considering factors like worker skills, availability, and workload.

"AI will change the way we work, but it also opens up new opportunities for those who can adapt and leverage its power effectively."