Many consulting firms offer programs to support diverse candidates. Illinois Consulting Academy has helped members connect with these firms and opportunities.
Different programs have varying timelines, with some having early timelines and expedited interview processes. Candidates for these initiatives can include women, people of Black, Hispanic, or Native American heritage, and members of the LGBTQ community. Firms with programs ICA members have placed into include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Bain & Company - Building Entrepreneurial Leaders (BEL), Connecting and Resourcing Empowered Women (CREW)
- McKinsey & Company - IgniteBoston Consulting Group - Bridge to Consulting, Advance
- Boston Consulting Group - Bridge to Consulting, AdvanceOliver Wyman - Diversity Leadership Summit
- Oliver Wyman - Diversity Leadership Summit
- Kearney - Sophomore Diversity Bootcamp