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ICA Sophomore and Junior Offerings

Complementary to BADM359 curriculum, the sophomore spring bootcamp will be geared towards teaching members tangible and soft skills deemed useful in the consulting industry.

Applications are closed

Spring Bootcamp

Deadline: October 22, 2024

The spring bootcamp is targeted towards sophomores interested in a career in consulting. Through a series of workshops and alumni-lead action learning, students gain valuable skill development and professional networks. The bootcamp is complementary to the BADM359 class taught by Professor Kim.

The Spring Bootcamp meets on weeknights

Spring Bootcamp + BADM 359 Application: Open October 15th

*Please note Bootcamp + BADM 359 are a single application

BADM359 Class

Deadline: October 22, 2024

Led by Professor June-Young Kim, BADM359: Business Problem Formulation and Solution offers students exclusive learning and networking opportunities with ICA's corporate sponsors. Through weekly casing and a capstone project, students are able to develop and refine their approach to identifying and solving business problems.

BADM 359 meets on Friday Mornings

Spring Bootcamp + BADM 359 Application: Open October 15th

*Please note Bootcamp + BADM 359 are a single application

Summer Engagement

Summer 2025

ICA's Summer Engagement team organizes a variety of summer programming for continuing ICA members. This includes ICA-exclusive company coffee chats, summer case chains, and class-specific social activities.

Fall Recruiting + Consulting Consortium

Fall 2025

ICA offers fall corporate sponsor events, as well as opportunities to network with ICA alumni during the fall recruiting cycle. Through the spring and summer programming, ICA members are well-equipped for an internship in consulting.

We are incredibly excited to welcome members of the Class of 2023 to our Sophomore Bootcamp program this academic year. Each year, ICA enables our members to build their problem solving skills and professional network through our robust, semester-long program.

Matt Gallo

Class of 2021 | Bain & Company

Through a series of workshops and action learning, the sophomore bootcamp will help members develop both soft and technical skills that will serve as a foundation for their future in consulting. I look forward to meeting the Class of 2023!

Haneen Said

Class of 2021 | PwC

I'm excited to be able to work with our corporate sponsors to provide instruction during the Sophomore Bootcamp on essential skills like SQL and Alteryx. Real world consultants help showcase what tools they utilize to solve real business problems.

Rob McCracken

Class of 2022 | Bain & Company

The technical skills I learned in the Spring bootcamp definitely helped me with my workstreams during my summer internship. Furthermore, I was able to build my professional network within the corporate sponsors through ICA networking opportunities.

Winnie Wu

Class of 2021 | BCG