Though valued by employers, a college degree in and of itself does not automatically lead to a good job. Employers want assurance that you can help them solve problems and reach their goals. They want to know that you have developed and demonstrated competencies considered essential in the workplace. A recent survey of employers found that 91 percent agreed that "a candidate's demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than his or her major." (Association of American Colleges & Universities 2015 Survey) These crucial skills are referred to as career readiness skills.
The Gies Professional Pathway is a framework for students to tell their story and serve as leaders in our shared future. They were created to better connect the skills employers value in college graduates with the ability of students to demonstrate proficiency in those skills. Your Gies education equips you with these 10 highly desirable Career Competencies.
While at Gies, you will be intentionally developing professional competencies and career readiness skills through the Gies Professional Pathway. Use GPP to connect all of your classroom experiences and to translate what you've learned into the language of employers.
Benefits of the Gies Professional Pathway
Focusing on developing your career readiness now will help you enter the world of work with the transferable skills necessary to adapt and grow throughout your career.You'll be able to strategize how to continue growing: Reflecting on your career readiness can help you identify areas of growth as a professional. This type of reflection can be a powerful tool to help you target experiences that will serve as professional development.
You'll be able to strategize how to continue growing: Reflecting on your career readiness can help you identify areas of growth as a professional. This type of reflection can be a powerful tool to help you target experiences that will serve as professional development.
You'll be able to tell your story: Being able to effectively communicate your strengths and "connect the dots" for employers and other professionals in your network can assist you in showcasing that you are the best fit for a specific position, organization, industry or network.