Academic Standing

We are committed to the academic wellness of each of our undergraduates.  We understand that there are many reasons students enter the academic warning process. The experience of past students attests that early and timely consultation with advisors and other mentors can be helpful as students work towards their academic growth and success. We also know that different resources are helpful for different people. If the time comes when you do not perform your best, review the information on the page to understand your recovery supports. We look forward to working with you to help you address the challenges you face and to ensure that you have a rich and successful undergraduate career.  You are not alone!

Information on this page...

Academic Standing Policy, Review Timeline & Programs

Academic Standing Policy

Your academic standing will not appear on your permanent record.  Not maintaining a GPA of at least 2.0 may affect your eligibility to participate in University of Illinois, state, or federal financial aid programs.   If your financial aid is affected, you will receive a separate notice from the Office of Student Financial Aid. Please read that material carefully to learn how this affects your eligibility, steps you can take, and options for filing an appeal.

  • Good Academic Standing

    Students are considered in good standing if they have met minimum performance criteria—as judged by the cumulative GPA and major GPA—and they are progressing toward a timely completion of their degree requirements.

  • Low GPA Warning (Formerly Academic Probation)

    Low GPA Warning status serves as a warning that poor academic performance or failure to complete requirements in a timely fashion may jeopardize future enrollment status at and graduation from the University of Illinois. Warning levels identify a specific grade-point average which students are expected to earn in their next semester of enrollment on a minimum of 12 graded credit hours.

    If students achieve a GPA level required by their warning, but their cumulative GPA remains below 2.00 and they are not deficient in meeting other academic eligibility and progress requirements, they will be approved to continue on Low GPA Warning , until such time as they have achieved Good Academic Standing.

    As long as students are on warning status, they may not elect the credit/no credit grading option for any course. Low GPA Warning status may not be cleared by attendance at another institution. The warning rules are listed below. Students may also refer to the Student Code.

    A student may be placed on (or similarly, removed from) a warning status at any time that the Gies College of Business judges that the student's scholastic record warrants such action.

  • Rules for Low GPA Warning

    Beginning Freshman

    Code 1 A beginning freshman who does not earn at least a 2.00 (C) University GPA in the first semester is placed on a 2.00 Low GPA Warning for the next term in which that student is registered.

    Students Other Than Beginning Freshmen

    Code 1A A student whose cumulative University GPA is 2.00 or better and who does not earn at least a 2.00 average in any semester or summer session is placed on a 2.00 Low GPA Warning for the next term in which the student is registered.

    Code 1B A student whose cumulative University GPA is 1.75-1.99, inclusive, is placed on a 2.25 Low GPA Warning.

    Code 1C A student whose cumulative University GPA is less than 1.75 is placed on 2.33 Low GPA Warning .

    Code 1G, 1H, 1P, 1T College-Academic Warning levels assigned at academic progress review.

  • Academic Drop

    Drop rules are based on University semester GPA, University cumulative GPA, or combined all-University cumulative GPA and transfer GPA (used only if the transfer average is below 2.00). The applicable GPA will depend on the student's current status and whether the student has completed work elsewhere. These drop rules may be waived when the Gies College of Business judges that the student's scholastic record warrants such action.

    Code 17 A student who fails to earn at least a 1.0 (D) University GPA in any academic semester (not including summer session) will be dropped.

    Code 17 A student on Low GPA Warning who fails to meet his or her established warning level will be dropped, unless he or she has achieved at least a 2.00 or better University GPA for that semester, and his or her cumulative GPA is at least a 2.00.

    Code 18 A student who fails to make satisfactory progress toward a degree or who fails to complete the conditions of admission or continuation will be dropped.

    Only students dropped under Code 17 may appeal a Drop Status (see below).

    We are committed to the academic success of each of our undergraduates. We also understand that there are many reasons students enter the Low GPA Warning process. These can include personal, financial, health, family, or other issues. Our goal is to help you identify the factors that are relevant to you and to help you address them. If you feel that your success was impeded by your health, please consider a retro medical withdrawal. More information can be found here:

  • Appealing an Academic Drop Status

    Students who are dropped from the College for academic deficiencies are informed of this action in a formal letter from the College. Students who are eligible to appeal this drop status (Code 17) will be explicitly informed of this option and given information about the process and deadline.

    Students who have been dropped and re-enter in the preceding semester, or whose academic records show deficiencies so severe as to create a doubt of degree completion, are placed on "special drop" status (Code 18) and are not permitted to appeal. Some students are furthermore denied any additional consideration for re-entry to the Gies College of Business.

GPA Calculator

Learn how to understand your GPA and calculate what it may be in the future

Academic Standing Review

The Academic Standing Review Committee for Gies undergraduate students meets at the end of each term to determine the academic status of each student with a term and cumulative GPA below 2.0.  The committee review is conducted using a student's academic history, compliance with Success Planning requirements, record of advising relationship, supporting documentation and utilization of college and campus supports.  After review, students will be notified of their standing through a secure email message.


  • Final Grades Post - Late December/May
  • Academic Standing Committee Review - First week of January/ Late May
  • Notification of Academic Status Through Secure Email Message - 1 - 2 days after academic standing review
  • Academic Dismissal Appeals Due - 5 - 7 days after notification of academic status
  • Final Academic Dismissal Decisions - 1 week rolling decisions after appeal deadline
  • Re-entry Advising- Spring:  1 week before instruction begins |   Fall:  First week of June
  • Success Planning Webinar (Mandatory) - Second week of instruction )...

Academic Standing Programs

You can recover, and we are here to help!  Improving your academic standing can be challenging. The requirements for the Gies Success Planning Program provides opportunities for academic recovery through reflection and decision making. For academic recovery and wellness,  All Gies students who are not in Good Academic Standing will need to complete the  Success Planning requirements below.   Starting Fall 2024, Success Planning includes Peer Mentoring.   Learn more about the Peer Mentoring Program for Student Success

Enroll in 12 Credit Hours

During the fall and spring terms, all Illinois students are required to take a minimum of 12 Illinois credit hours.

Earn a Good Academic Standing GPA

The GPA required to recover a student's academic standing depends on their level of academic standing:

  • 1A - Earn a 2.0 GPA
  • 1B - Earn a 2.25 GPA
  • 1C - Earn a 2.33 GPA
  • Drop Status - Take 12 credit hours at another institution and earn a 3.0 GPA or higher

Use the GPA Calculator to get a more exact caluclation.

Attend a Success Planning Webinar

The Success Planning Webinar is a confidential space where students learn about academic standing requirements.    The webinar consists of the Gies Self-Evaluation and the Mentee Availability From.  Students will be guided through the Gies Self-Evaluation to reflect on wellness areas of Student Success:  Eat, Sleep, Connect, Create.   Students will also complete the Mentee Availablity Form to schedule required Study Tables and Community Meet-ups with their mentors.   Students who do not attend a  webinar will have a hold placed on their account until they meet the requirement.

Attend Study Tables

Study Tables are available to all Gies students. They provide 1:1 guidance with a Peer Mentor and Peer Tutor. Mentors help students outline academic plans using Self-Help Guides. Tutors help students with direct instructional problem solving. Study Tables begin the third week of instruction.  Students will be required to attend one Study Table per month:

Guides of the Month (Fall/Spring):


  • Weekly To-Do List
  • Five Day Study Plan


  • Exam Planning


  • SMART Goal Setting
  • Effective Student Skills - The Silent Study

Community Engagement Meet-ups

Connect with your college through the Academic Wellness Challenge. All mentees are encouraged to attend a Gies Community Engagement Meet-up once a semester. Meet-ups includes college services, sessions, activities and events hosted by College offices: Undergraduate Programs, Career & Professional Development, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Margolis Information Lab. Earn tickets for each event you attend for a chance to win one of the Grand Prizes Gies Gear Baskets! Winners will be selected in December.

Attend Required Advising

Students are required to meet with an advisor three weeks before course registration. Express Advising will not meet the advising requirement.  The Gies Academic Advising Team helps students clarify academic, personal and professional goals. The team helps students identify resources and partners in advocacy. All Success Students have an advsior assigned to their recovery semester. Advising is determined by a student's first semester, standing level and completion of first and second year Business Core:

  • First Year Freshmen - Attend Spring Semester Planning
  • First Year Transfers - Complete Major Course Planning
  • 1A/B/C with incomplete first and second year Business Core - Meet with Leslie Lewis
  • 1A - Any available undergraduate advisor