Ending course enrollment before instruction has started for a future term
Optional campus ceremonies celebrating the graduation of students with completed degree requirements
Optional college ceremonies celebrating the graduation of students with completed degree requirements
The schedule of classes by term and a browsable database of general education requirements in addition to other resources.
Degree Audit Report - An unofficial audit of progress toward the degree that reflects courses completed and currently in progress
Removing or “dropping” a course from your schedule. When you drop a course by the drop deadline for the term through Self-Service, it will not show up on your transcript. If you drop by the deadline to drop with a W, the course will appear with a W recorded which does not impact GPA calculations.
To repeat ILLINOIS courses in which a student earned a C- or below and use the new ILLINOIS grade to replace the grade they earned in the first attempt.
Completing degree requirements and officially applying for degree conferral
Petitioning for extended time to complete a final due to extenuating circumstances.
adding a full-term course or switching a section within a full-term course
Petitioning to drop a course after the terms drop deadline
Part of Term - The university offers courses that are shorter than the full-length term. POT A courses run the first 8 weeks and POT B courses run the second 8 weeks.
Withdrawing from one course after the term is completed.
Withdrawing from all courses after the term is completed
Withdrawing from all courses during the term.