Withdraw or Cancel Enrollment
Please note that this information is ONLY for Undergraduate Students in Gies. If you are a Graduate Student please refer to your Grad College information.
Prior to the beginning of the semester, a student may cancel their course enrollment through the Student Self-Service using Enhanced Registration. A cancellation no later than the business day before the first day of instruction results in a cancellation of all tuition and fee charges for that semester.
More information on canceling your registration can be found on the Registrar’s website.
Undergraduate Students who are unable to complete all the courses in which they are enrolled for a semester must initiate a withdrawal of that semester. Per the student code, students must initiate a formal withdrawal with their college. If you fail to follow the official withdrawal procedure e.g., you simply stop going to classes and leave campus, then you are still responsible for tuition and fee assessments and will earn grades in your classes. (Graduate Students should obtain the form to withdraw on the Graduate College website).
For undergraduate students enrolled in Gies College of Business, it is important to understand college polices and rules for withdrawal requests:
- Prior to the 12th week of the Fall or Spring semester, students may withdraw from the semester without credit or academic penalty.
- During the 12th week of the Fall or Spring semester to Reading Day, students wishing to withdraw from the semester must first consult with the Director of Academic Programs, or the Assistant Dean of Academic Programs. Students with a history of previous semester withdrawals may be required to stop out for one or more semesters and have conditions for re-entry.
- Students wishing to withdraw from the semester on Reading Day to the end of the semester must complete a Retroactive Withdrawal Petition and have extenuating circumstances, including documentation.
Refunds for tuition and fees are provided on a pro-rata basis depending on the date of the withdrawal. Special refund policies apply if you withdraw to enter either active duty in the armed forces or other approved national defense.
More information and the applicable refund deadlines are available from the Office of the Registrar.
Stopping Out:
Undergraduate Students who complete their courses in a semester, but then wish to not enroll in the subsequent semester do not need to complete a formal withdrawal from the college. (Withdrawals are only in cases in which a student is unable to complete the courses they are enrolled in for a semester)
Students interrupting their normal progression of degree completion are considered as “Stopping Out.” Students who stop out for one or two semesters on good academic standing will still receive a time ticket and be allowed to register for the next semester. Students who stop out for more than two semesters will need to complete the college’s re-entry process.
It is important for any student planning to stop out for any length of time to discuss their plans with an academic advisor in the Office of Undergraduate Programs.
Things to think about:
- If you begin the withdrawal process after the ninth week of the semester, or later, you may be subject to having conditions imposed on your withdrawal and/or your ability to enroll for subsequent semesters.
- NCAA athletes must first consult with their academic counselors.
- International students must first consult with ISSS counselors.