How to Register Using Enhanced Registration
You are able to register on your own using Student Self-Service. Select the Urbana-Champaign Campus. Log in using your NetID and Password
Step 1
Select "Registration and Records"
Select "Enhanced Registration". This will open a new window.
Select "Register for Classes"
Select "Fall 2021 - Urbana - Champaign" and click "Continue". Read the statement and click Agree.
Step 2
On the main screen, you can search for classes using the subject box
To search for a class, you will:
Type the course subject (Economics, Computer Science)
Type in the course number (102, 105, 101)
Leave course title BLANK
Click the Advanced Search Link and scroll down until you see the box for "Open Sections Only." Check this box and click "search..."
Step 3
Once you have added a course, and it is listed in your "Summary" box, make sure to click "submit" before adding the next course
Once the course turns GREEN and says "Registered," you are officially registered in the course
If you receive an error, please review the common error messages below.
For more detailed instructions on how to register, visit the Registration Procedures Webpage
Common Error Messages
Class, Program/Major, College, Department, Attribute, Concentration: Contact an advisor to see if/when the restrictions will lift/if you are eligible for the course you are attempting to register for.
Co-requisite, Link: You need to register for the co-requisite or linked course. Example: If you need a lecture and discussion section of Econ 102, you need to add both courses at the same time. Both sections will start with the same letter.
Maximum hours exceeded, Time conflict: You have attempted to register for more credit hours than you are allowed to, or there is a time conflict. Revisit your schedule to see what course might be conflicting, and try to find a different section of the same course.
Learn more about Registration Errors