Study Abroad Course Approval Form
- Use the Database to find pre-approved courses
- Meet with your academic advisor
- If you come across any courses offered at the abroad institution that are not pre-approved:
New course approval requests will be reviewed as they are submitted. You can expect a response 2-3 weeks after the submission date. We cannot guarantee any immediacy of response and appreciate your patience while the course undergoes review.
Need Gen Ed credit? Complete form at
Need ACCY free elective, FIN, or BADM credit? Complete the form at
Need credit to apply toward a minor or toward a dual degree outside of Business? Contact the appropriate Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor for that department using this list:
- Register for courses through host institution regarding the articulation information you have from above steps
- Once you are abroad and have a final course schedule:
Submit a course approval form reflecting your registered courses- due by October 15 (semester after you return) for students studying abroad in the spring/summer and by March 15 (semester after you return) for students studying abroad in the fall
Include in the document a copy of the study abroad course database with the courses you enrolled in highlighted or circled. For newly approved courses, attach a copy of the approval e-mail.
Submit the Course Approval Summary Form (found here - to
Non-Business Majors
Need ACCY free elective, FIN, or BADM credit for the Business Minor or anything else and the course you want to take is not in the Study Abroad course database already?
- Complete the form at
- Forms are reviewed once they are submitted. You can expect a response 2-3 weeks after the submission date.
- You will get a response with the course equivalency via email.
- If you need your Course Approval form signed for approval, you can reply to the e-mail to request it.