Late Appeal Petitions
Late Course Drop
- This form is used to formally petition to late drop a course
- Before completing the form, view the full information and policies here.
- Please note that if dropping a course will take you under 12 credit hours, it may impact your financial aid, international student status, athlete student status, and if you drop low enough could restrict some campus resources. Please reach out to those offices to know the implications before filling out this form.
- International Students: You must be enrolled in at least 9 hours of in-person Illinois coursework to meet regulations regarding a full course of study. Please meet with International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) to discuss the policy for enrollment.
Application Process for a Late Course Drop
- You must fill out the Late Course Drop form before the deadline outlined by the college. You can view the academic calendar here
- You will be requested to include a narrative about why you are late dropping this course. Please be specific as you are comfortable to help with the decision process. You can also submit supporting documents and/or images if you feel that would be helpful in explaining your extenuating circumstance
- Once filled out and submitted, your instructor for the course you are requesting to drop will receive a form for their feedback as well. Please note that your instructor does NOT receive your narrative or supporting documents. Before filling out the late course drop form, we do encourage you to talk to your instructor about the work in your course so they can be expecting to see this form, and/or they may be able to support you so you do not need to drop the course.
- Once the instructor has successfully submitted their form, the Office of Undergraduate Programs will process the request.
- You will receive a decision via email 5-8 business days from your submission.
Incomplete Course Request
- Be sure to review the Incomplete policy here before filling out this request.
- Students must discuss the option of an incomplete grade with their instructor.
Late requests for grade replacement & late credit/no credit
- These forms are used to formally petition to request grade replacement after the university deadline (but on or before Reading Day in the term you are repeating the course) or to request credit/no credit after the university deadline (but on or before Reading Day in the term you are enrolled in the course).
- Before completing the form, view the full information and policy on grade replacement here and on credit/no credit here.
- You do not need to complete the additional form for grade replacement or credit/no credit at the time of your request. If approved, instructions for implementation will be provided to you via e-mail with your decision.
- For Late Grade Replacement, please fill out the form and email it to