Department of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

The Information Systems Major provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and manage information, information technology development, systems analysis, e-business management and electronic commerce.

The Degree Audit Report (DARS) provides the official requirements for all majors and minors.  Select the correct catalog year, which is the year you started at UIUC.

IS Major Planning Forms

While degree plans are intended to provide you with accurate information, the final responsibility for knowing and completing degree requirements is your responsibility.  Course offerings and enrollment restrictions should be confirmed with your Degree Audit Report (DARS) and the Course Explorer.

Information Systems Planning Form (Fall 2024 entry)

Information Systems Planning Form (Fall 2023 entry)

Information Systems Planning Form (Fall 2022 entry)

Information Systems Planning Form (Fall 2021 entry)

Information Systems Planning Form (Fall 2020 entry) Correction: The Major Elective Category is select 2 and select 4. But a third course from area 2 could be used in area 3.

Degree Requirements, Overview Handout (Fall 2019)  Correction: The Major Elective Category is select 2 and select 4. But a third course from area 2 could be used in area 3.

Degree Requirements, Overview Handout (Fall 2018)

Degree Requirements, Overview Handout (Fall 2017 or earlier entry to UIUC)

Requirements for students who were admitted to Illinois in Fall 2022

Code Title Hours
BADM 350 IT for Networked Organizations 3
BADM 352 Database Design and Management 3
BADM 353 Info Sys Analysis and Design 3
Select three of the following: 9
BADM 351 Social Media Strategy
BADM 356 Data Science & Analytics
BADM 357 Digital Making Seminar (Unavailable Spring 2021 due to COVID lab restrictions)
BADM 453 Business Intelligence
BADM 458

BADM 358

BADM 370

BADM 372
IT Governance (Prerequisite: BADM 350)

Big Data Platforms (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

Information Security Management (Spring only; Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

InfoSys & OpMgment Practicum (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)
Select three of the following: 9
BADM 323

BADM 324

BADM 326
Marketing Communications (Prerequisite:  BADM 320)

Purchasing and Supply Mgmnt (Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in BADM 320)

Pricing Strategy (Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in BADM 320)
BADM 329 New Product Development (Prerequisite:  BADM 320)
BADM 374 Management Decisions Models (Prerequisite:  BADM 210)
BADM 375 Operations Strategy
BADM 377 Project Management (Typically Fall only; possibly offered in spring - check Course Explorer)
BADM 379 Business Process Improvement (Spring only)
BADM 382 International Marketing (Prerequisite:  BADM 320)
BADM 358

BADM 370
Big Data Platforms (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both; BADM 358 starting Spring 2023)

Information Security Management (Spring only; Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both; BADM 370 starting Spring 2023)
BADM 372 InfoSys & OpMgment Practicum (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both) Fall only

Requirements for students who were admitted to Illinois in Fall 2021

Code Title Hours
BADM 350 IT for Networked Organizations 3
BADM 352 Database Design and Management 3
BADM 353 Info Sys Analysis and Design 3
Select three of the following: 9
BADM 351 E-Business Management
BADM 356 Data Science & Analytics
BADM 357 Digital Making Seminar (Unavailable Spring 2021 due to COVID lab restrictions)
BADM 453 Business Intelligence
BADM 458




IT Governance (Prerequisite: BADM 350)

Big Data Infrastructure (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

Information Security Management (Spring only; Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

Interaction Design (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

InfoSys & OpMgment Practicum (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)
Select three of the following: 9
BADM 323

BADM 324

BADM 326
Marketing Communications (Prerequisite:  BADM 320)

Purchasing and Supply Mgmnt (Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in BADM 320)

Pricing Strategy (Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in BADM 320)
BADM 329 New Product Development (Prerequisite:  BADM 320)
BADM 374 Management Decisions Models (Prerequisite:  BADM 210)
BADM 375 Operations Management
BADM 377 Project Management (Typically Fall only; possibly offered in spring - check Course Explorer)
BADM 379 Business Process Improvement (Spring only)
BADM 382 International Marketing (Prerequisite:  BADM 320)

Big Data Infrastructure (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

Information Security Management (Spring only; Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)
BADM 395 ID Interaction Design (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both) Fall only
BADM 395 IOP InfoSys & OpMgment Practicum (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both) Fall only

Requirements for students who were admitted to Illinois in Fall 2020

Code Title Hours
BADM 350 IT for Networked Organizations 3
BADM 352 Database Design and Management 3
BADM 353 Info Sys Analysis and Design 3
Select three of the following: 12
BADM 331

BADM 351
Making Things (Spring only when offered)

E-Business Management
BADM 355

BADM 356
Enterprise Software Management (Prerequisite: BADM 350)

Data Science & Analytics
BADM 357 Digital Making Seminar (Unavailable Spring 2021 due to COVID lab restrictions)
BADM 453 Business Intelligence
BADM 458




IT Governance (Prerequisite: BADM 350)

Big Data Infrastructure (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

Information Security Management (Spring only; Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

Interaction Design (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

InfoSys & OpMgment Practicum (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)
Select three of the following: 12-14
BADM 311

BADM 312

BADM 322
Leading Individuals & Teams (Prerequisite: BADM 310)

Designing & Managing Orgs (Prerequisite: BADM 310)

Marketing Research (Prerequisite: BADM 320)
BADM 324 Purchasing and Supply Mgmnt (Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in BADM 320)
BADM 374 Management Decisions Models (Prerequisite:  BADM 210)
BADM 375 Operations Management
BADM 377 Project Management
BADM 379 Business Process Improvement
BADM 380 International Business

Big Data Infrastructure (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)

Information Security Management (Spring only; Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both)
BADM 395 ID Interaction Design (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both) Fall only
BADM 395 IOP InfoSys & OpMgment Practicum (Course will count in any one of the IS elective section areas but not in both) Fall only
BADM 445

BADM 446
Small Business Counseling

Entrepreneurship:  New Venture Creation