Credit Hour Limitations at Gies
Students should consider credit hour limitations when making academic plans. For each of the categories below, students are limited in the number of credit hours used in the 124 required degree hours for the Gies College of Business.
4 hours of activity courses, numbered 100–110. The same section of a course may not be repeated for credit.
199 Courses
12 hours maximum.
Foreign Language
May receive credit for courses only 2 levels below highest level taken in high school. For example: 4 years of high school French—no credit below FR 102.
Credit is not given for Math 012, 014, or 016. Once the math requirement is completed, lower level math courses cannot be taken for credit. Preparatory math courses are included in the undergraduate cumulative grade point average.
Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
18 hours
*Note: Exception to the Spring 2020 semester when all courses could be elected for credit due to the temporary academic policy modification.