Where/how to register for classes?
Students register for courses in the Enterprise/Self-Service system, which can be found at: https://apps.uillinois.edu/selfservice/
What to do if a course I want is full? How do I use the "Notify Me" feature to know if a seat opens?
If you get a registration error message telling you a course is closed, reserved or restricted, check the section notes in the class schedule (NOT UI Integrate Self Service) for details and information about when the course might become available to you. If your questions aren't answered in the section notes, you need to contact the department offering the course. They're the only people who can authorize you to register for a course that's already full. If an on-line wait list is available, the departmental contact can provide information on how to add your name to the wait list.
If you get a "restricted" message, first check the section notes in the class schedule to determine if you meet the academic standing, class standing, major, prerequisite, or other requirements for the course. If you do, or if you want to see if you can get in the course anyway, contact the department offering the course to see if they are maintaining a waiting list. If they are, have them put your name on it. If you get a "consent required" message, contact the college, department, or instructor as indicated to request authorization to register for the course.
To set up a "Notify Me" follow these steps:
1. In order to do this go to https://courses.illinois.edu/ and log in. The log in link is on the top right hand side.
2. Then navigate to the course that you're interested in, for example: https://courses.illinois.edu/schedule/2020/fall/BADM/210
3. Then in the 3rd column, click on the star. This will add it to your favorites. When you do that a little window pops up that you can go to your favorites in my.courses.
4. Or you can click on "My Favorites" which is an orange box toward the right hand part of the screen.
5. The second column on this screen "Notify Me" has a checkbox you can click to be notified via e-mail if someone drops the course and space opens.
When you recieve notification, the email will state the following: This is an automated message from the Course Explorer system notifying you that a seat has become available for the following section:
Meeting day/time:
This notification does not guarantee you the seat nor indicate that you are eligible to enroll in that section.
When can I register for next semester?
If you're a continuing student, go to the UI Integrate Student Self-Service client at apps.uillinois.edu -> Classic Registration -> Registration Eligibility -> You may register during the following times (your time and date will be listed here).
This section will update about two weeks before the beginning of advance registration. This will show the earliest time you can begin using Student Self-Service to make a schedule. You'll need your Enterprise ID and password to access your Student Self-Service.
If you're unable to access your Student Self-Service, make sure you've established an enterprise password. If you have a password and you still can't gain access, or if you've forgotten your password, contact the UI Integrate help service at apps.uillinois.edu.
Priority time tickets are assigned to continuing students, meaning those taking University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign coursework in the current term. Be aware that if you are not currently enrolled in U of I classes, you are not considered a continuing student and thus will receive an "open" time ticket. Open tickets allow registration after all priority ticket holders have been allowed to register. Keep this in mind if you are not enrolled for a semester and plan in advance as much as possible the classes you will want to take upon your return.
What if I have a hold on my registration?
Your Registration Eligibility page may show you have a hold that must be cleared before you can register. If you have a hold, click "View Holds" and follow instructions about whom to see, where to go, what to do to remove the hold. If the hold was placed by the College of Business, go to the Undergraduate Affairs Office in 1055 BIF. If the hold was placed by your department, contact your academic advisor. If you don't clear the hold, you won't be able to register.
When can I add a course to my schedule?
You can add a full-semester course at any time after the time shown on your time ticket and before the end of the second week of classes (see the University's Academic Deadlines for specific dates). Any time you add a course after the first day of class, it's wise to contact the instructor to get permission to add the course and to find out about any assignments, textbook recommendations, changes in meeting time or place and the like. If you wish to add a course after the 10th day of the semester, you must complete a Late Course Change Form which requires a signature from your professor and the Department in which the course is offered. Please consult with your Academic Advisor through appointment or drop-in advising to learn more about this process.
When can I drop a course to my schedule?
You can drop a full-semester course any time until the midpoint of the term (see Academic Deadlines for specific dates) unless:
Before you drop a course, talk with your academic advisor about your reasons for dropping it and the implications the drop will have for your progress toward your degree. If it's a required course in your program, be sure you'll be able to take it again before you plan to graduate. Also be aware that dropping to fewer than 12 hours will cause you to be classified as a part-time student, which may have implications for your eligibility for financial aid, insurance, and scholarships.
How do I drop a course after the deadlines?
First, talk to your academic advisor about why you want to drop the course after the deadline. If you then decide to ask to drop the class, complete the online Late Appeal Petition. You will be required to submit a narrative to explain why you wish to drop the course and provide any necessary documentation. A committee will review the petition and notify you of the decision within seven to ten business days. You must continue to attend class and complete assignments in the course until you receive permission to drop the course from the dean's office.
Why won't the registration system let me drop my last course?
Business approves course loads of less than 12 hours in special circumstances, such as seniors in their final semester who need fewer than 12 hours to graduate and students with a documented illness who are unable to carry a full load (medical documentation is required). Students may request an underload for other reasons, but the college generally does not approve more than one such request. Complete the Overload/Underload Approval form to request an underload.
International students must consult the Office of International Student and Scholar Services before initiating any change in their course schedule.
Students on academic probation must maintain full-time status.
Why can't I drop my last summer course?
If you are registered for multiple courses over the summer and you only want to drop 1 you should be able to drop courses as normal in Student Self-Service if you are before the drop deadline.
If you are only registered for a single course, or are wanting to drop all the courses you are registered for in the summer, you will need to cancel your registration for the summer. A 'Summer Cancel Request' option is on the Registration & Records Menu in Student Self-Service. This form is available to submit a request to cancel all summer class registration prior to the start of the S2 part of summer. Do NOT submit that request if you plan to register for other summer classes or you will need to request reinstatement for summer through the Gies Office of Undergraduate Affairs.