Congratulations on making it to your final semester!  Below are steps to make sure your degree processing runs smoothly

  • Apply for Graduation

    Notification of Intent to Graduate:  A degree application is required for degree processing and conferral.  Attending commencement and convocation ceremonies are optional and a separate process from the degree application and conferral of a degree.  If you want to graduate, you have to notify the Gies College of Business.  You will do this at the same time that you register for your final semester of the classes through the student registration system

    Click Here to see the step by step directions

    1. Select the "graduation" option from the main menu of Self-Service
    2. Click Apply to Graduate; Follow instructions to complete application
    3. Update diploma address in Self-Service

    If you do not do this by the 10th day of class of your final semester, you must complete the degree list application form below Otherwise, your name will not be added to the pending degree list, and your graduation could be delayed.

    1. Click here to complete the Undergraduate Degree List Application form after the 10th day of instruction.
    2. Questions can be sent to

    If your plans change and you no longer intend to graduate at the end of the term, you will need to complete this form to have your name removed from the degree list.

  • Completion of Degree Requirements

    The university establishes a degree certification date following the completion of each term. If you are on the graduation list, you must complete all degree requirements— including requirements to formally announce your candidacy for a degree—by the degree certification date for that term.

  • College Graduation Honors

    To graduate with honors you must meet the GPA requirements which are based on your total cumulative GPA.  For transfer students, the computation is based on your cumulative GPA and the GPA in your Illinois coursework. To see those requirements you can go HERE.

  • University Honors

    The names of students who earn Bronze Tablet university-wide honors are recorded on a plaque which hangs in the mail hall of the University Library.

    • You must be in the top 3 percent of your college, calculated on grades earned through the term prior to graduation. The GPA cutoff for Bronze Tablet, which differs each year, is not published.
    • Transfer students must earn at least 40 hours of credit at the Urbana campus to be eligible, and their cumulative university averages must be as high as those of students in their college who have completed all their work on the Urbana campus.
  • Degree Certification

    The university establishes a degree certification date following the completion of each term. Students on the graduation list and others who wish to graduate at the end of a given term (for example, students who are completing make–up work or who are completing remaining requirements through non–residential enrollment) must have all degree requirements officially completed by the degree certification date for that term.

  • Petition for Convocation Participation

    If you are interested in participating in a May ceremony but technically graduated in the August or December before that ceremony, there is no longer a need to fill out a petition for approval.  For example, if you completed your degree in the Fall of 2024 and had it certified by the college (meaning you applied to graduate and we approved it) BUT, you want to walk in the May 2025 ceremony, you can participate. We do ask that you go to the Convocation Ceremonies webpage and let the college know this is your intention.

    If you want to participate in a ceremony before you complete your degree (Example: You want to participate in the May 2025 ceremony, but you have a few classes to complete over the summer and won't technically finish until August 2025. You are still eligible to walk in May, but you will need to fill out the form on the Convocation Ceremonies web page to identify your intention to walk.  No additional approval will be required.

  • If  You Miss Certification Deadlines

    The Gies College of Business and campus policy do not allow individual degrees to be retroactively awarded, nor does the policy allow retroactive posting of additional majors, minors, or other academic curricular certifications to a degree that has been awarded. Students who confirm completion of outstanding degree requirements—including the requirement to formally announce their candidacy for the degree—after the official degree certification date for a particular term will have their names added to the next available graduation list. However, such students may request and receive a letter confirming their completion of all requirements for the degree and confirming the date upon which the degree will be awarded. You can request the letter from the Business Undergraduate Affairs Office in 1055 BIF.

  • Important Graduation Planning Resources

  • University Email After Graduation

  • Gies Convocation

Apply:  When can I apply for graduation?

Confirm:  Can I confirm that my name is on the graduation list?

Celebrate:  How will I receive information about ceremonies?


August & December Graduation:  Students can begin adding their names to the December Graduation list when they register for fall courses through Self-Service .  Students planning to graduate in December will be officially notified through their Illinois email and Gies Groups starting the first week of September.  Students will need to add their names to the fall degree list through Self-Service by the 10th day of fall instruction.  Students who have not added their names to the degree list by the tenth day of fall instruction will need to complete the Degree List Application.

May Graduation:  Students planning to graduate in May will begin to be notified through their Illinois email and Gies Groups late October to early  November add  their names to the spring degree list through Self-Service by the 10th day of spring instruction.  Students will also need to make sure to attend Undergraduate Graduation Planning to learn how to make plans for their final semester. Students who have not added their names to the degree list by the tenth day of spring instruction will need to complete the Degree List Application.

NOTE:  In Self-Service, all students will have a standing Application Status stating "Active Application."  This means that a student is in a good position, has applied for graduation and is on the degree list.


When a student has added their name to the degree list, they should run a new DARS for their primary major in a couple days to confirm that their name is added to the degree list. The new DARS will have a message at the top stating "ATTENTION...THIS STUDENT IS ON THE FALL/SPRING DEGREE LIST" (pictured below).   If a student has double majors, this message will only appear on their Primary DARS.


December Graduation:  After the tenth day of the semester, Gies Undergraduate Academic Advisors will begin reviewing the DARS of all students who are on the December Graduation List.  Students will be notified through their Illinois email individually only if they have an issue that may prevent them from graduating.

May Graduation:  Beginning mid-November, Gies Undergraduate Academic Advisors will begin reviewing the DARS of all students who are on the degree list for fall or spring. Students who have not added their names to the degree list by the tenth day of the semester will need to complete the Degree List Application. Students will be notified individually only if they have an issue that may prevent them from graduating.

For a smooth review it is important that students make sure they have completed or registered for their remaining requirements, sent all transcripts for off-campus transfer coursework to Admissions & Records, and have all coursework from abroad studies sent and reviewed for approval. Note: Study Abroad coursework typically takes one semester for review and approval. Students can review their DARS using the Student Graduation Review Checklist.   After completing the Student Graduation Review Checklist, consult with a Gies Undergraduate Academic advisor to discuss your plans for graduation.


Students who have added their names to the degree list will begin receiving notification around mid-semester from the Office of Undergraduate Affairs  about Gies Convocation information.  Notification will come through Illinois email, Gies Groups, Gies at a Glance, and other media outlets. Beginning Fall 2021, if a student plans to graduate in August and would still like to participate in spring convocation, they will need to complete a petition. Students should speak with their advisors about this process.

Information about Campus Commencement and Gies Convocation can be found at the following locations:

Campus Commencement page

Gies Convocation page