Located in the Success Lab - 1041 BIF

Free tutoring for common first and second year Business Core Coursework.

Tutors are available to help lead group discussions, walk through homework, prepare for office hours, and help with exams. Tutors build academic connections and promote healthy learning practices through early review, questioning, and practice. No appointment is required for tutoring.

Spring 2025 Schedule - BEGINNING FEBRUARY 10, 2025

Sundays  2pm - 8pm | Mondays - Wednesdays 3pm - 6pm

Schedule by Tutor

Need a Study Group?

Study group sessions are designed to offer accountability and support to Gies students.  We have two types of study groups:

  • Tutor Led:  Comprised of students currently in courses we tutor and at least one Peer Tutor who is eligible to tutor the course.  Free workbooks are provided for students who want to go over practice problems as a group.  Workbooks are available for ECON 102, ECON 103, STAT 100, STAT 107.
  • Student Led:  Join a small reliable group of students in courses we do not tutor.  Peer Tutors will help with organizing your group and providing a meeting space and time.

Sign-up for a group here!

BADM 210 & BADM 211

(Office Hours prep only)

Sundays 2pm - 5pm

Mondays 3pm - 6pm (BADM 211 5pm - 6pm only)

Tuesdays 3pm - 6pm

Wednesdays 3pm - 6pm

CS 105

Sundays 2pm - 8pm

Mondays 3pm - 5pm

Tuesdays 3pm - 6pm

Wednesdays 3pm - 6pm

Econ 102 & Econ 103

Sundays 2pm - 8pm

Mondays 3pm - 6pm

Tuesdays 3pm - 6pm

Wednesdays 3pm - 6pm

FIN 221 & FIN 300

Sundays 3pm - 8pm (FIN 300...2pm - 5pm only)

Mondays 3pm - 6pm (FIN 300...5pm - 6pm only)

Tuesdays 3pm - 6pm

Wednesdays  3pm - 6pm (FIN 300...5pm - 6pm only)

MATH 234

Spring only

Find all TA office hours listed on the Moodle course page in the tab "Overview"

STAT 100

Sundays 2pm - 6pm

Mondays 3pm - 5pm

Tuesdays 3pm - 6pm

Wednesdays 4pm - 6pm

STAT 107

Sundays 3pm - 8pm

Mondays 3pm - 6pm

Tuesdays 3pm - 6pm

Wednesdays 3pm - 6pm

ACCY 201/20/300+/400+

Sundays - Thursdays 5pm - 7pm in 2057 BIF

More information about ACCY Peer Tutoring

  • Interested in Becoming a Peer Tutor?

    Earn a B or better in any of the courses we offer tutoring.

    Maintain a 3.2 cumulative GPA.

    Application for following academic year is posted late March.

    Contact tutoring@business.illinois.edu with questions concerning tutoring or how to become a tutor!

    *The tutoring program is currently fully staffed. An application will be posted late March, if tutors are needed for the Fall semester.

  • Additional ECON Tutoring

    Additional tutoring opportunities are offered through the ECON department on campus.

    Please visit the ECON Tutoring Center webpage for more information: HERE

  • OMSA Online & Campus Tutoring

    The Office of Minority Student Affairs offers general tutoring online and on-campus for courses outside of the Gies College of Business (i.e., MATH, ECON, CS).

    Please visit the OMSA tutoring page for more information: HERE

  • ACCY Tutoring

    Tutoring for ACCY 201 and ACCY 202 as well as any 300 or 400 level ACCY course is offered as well. Please visit the webpage below for more information.

    ACCY Tutoring Page: https://giesgroups.illinois.edu/accy/student-resources/

  • Study Group Sessions

    Group study sessions are designed to offer accountability and support to Gies students. A group study session is comprised of students currently in the course, and at least one Peer Tutor who is eligible to tutor the course.

  • Margolis Marketing Information Lab (MIL)

    Are you interested in developing your excel skills? Do you want to practice coding, or build your resume with certifications? The MIL is here to help Gies students build Financial Markets literacy, no matter your major or experience level- and it's all Free!

    The MIL, located in the BIF atrium, is equipped with state of the art financial and investment software, and coordinators whose goal is to "increase the quality of the academic experience". You have the option to register for reoccurring "bootcamps" where you will learn and develop a wide variety of skills by using the software made accessible for Gies students. Or students can attend consulting hours, where you work 1:1 with a skilled fellow. Consulting hours are listed on the MIL's website. Click the links below to explore how you can utilize the MIL and it's resources.

    Margolis Market Information (MIL) website

    MIL BootCamps and skill and training workshops

  • Peer Study Strategy Videos

  • Academic Self-Help Guides

    The Academic Self-Help Guide assists you with organizing your time, goals and more. Download a guide for use or print a copy in the Gies Undergraduate Success Lab (1041 BIF) for Free Print Wednesdays and Fridays.

Meet Your Peer Tutors

Select the image below to view our Tutors